
Protein Packed Green Skinny Noodle Bowl

I absolutely adore noodles, in all sorts of dishes and recipes – but this is one of my all time favourites!

This Asian-inspired dish, is a powerhouse of nutrition “meal in a bowl” – and it couldn’t be easier to make!

It’s from my second book, THE FOOD EFFECT DIET …

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Hummus with Vegan Mince

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I’m a HUGE hummus lover and advocate.

I have it alongside almost every meal, love snacking on it (with carrot sticks, rice cakes, you name it!), and advocate it to all my clients and in both my books.

It’s …

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Raw Bakewell Tart Balls (updated)

These are a far healthier, super simplified version of the classic British dessert, Bakewell Tart.

They’re all natural, gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free and vegan and taste just as decadent and delicious as a classic “Bakewell Tart” (personally I think better!) – minus the pastry, refined white flour, sugar, saturated fat …

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Easiest Ever Skin Glowing Shakshuka

Now you might not associate Shakshuka with glowing skin – but it’s actually the PERFECT skin glowing meal packed with all the right nutrients to get you glowing from the inside out!  More about that in a minute…

Firstly if you’ve never heard of or tried Shakshuka – it’s …

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How to Eat Fats to Loose Weight & Improve Health

In this video I share everything you need to know about eating fats to LOSE WEIGHT & GAIN HEALTH!!

– Why we need fats
– The different types of fats
– Which to eat
– Which to avoid
– Which are my favourite fats and why
– Which to cook …

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Vegan Halva Ice Cream

If you know me, or have been following me for a while, you’ll know that I’m a total halva LOVER!! And I’ve been making this ice-cream for YEARS!!!!

Everyone always asks me for the recipe, and it’s so embarrassingly easy!

More of a method than a recipe. But I finally …

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What to Eat for Strong Healthy Nails

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I love doing my nails (when I get a free chance!) and often share when I paint my nails and what colour nail polish I’m loving! I always get loads of messages asking whether I have nail extensions or acrylic nails, …

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All Healthy Raw Chocolate Truffle Balls (updated!!)

This was one of the first ever recipes I put on The Food Effect blog (back in 2015!) See here for my vintage photos from that post! 😅 Thankfully my food photography skills have improved since then, but this recipe has stood the test of time and remained one of …

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Strawberry, Feta, Fig & Pine Nut Salad

I created this salad with its colours and ingredients inspired by upcoming Valentines Day!

But if you’re not looking for a Valentine’s recipe or Valentine’s Day has already been by the time you’re seeing this – KEEP READING (or click onto YouTube to watch me make it!)  …

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Easiest Ever One Pot Hummus Pasta

This is a staple weeknight supper in my house, and it’s also my personal all time favourite pasta dish!

Anyone who’s followed me for a while, will know that hummus and pasta are two things I adore – …

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