Staying Sunny When The Weather’s Gloomy

With the U.K. apparently deciding to skip summer this year, we’re all feeling the lack of sunshine!

I shared in my Instagram stories how despite living in London for most of my life, as a true South African at heart, I still haven’t gotten used to these grey skies! And it most definitely affects my mood…

If you’re anything like me – I don’t feel like moving my body, or leaving my house when it’s freezing cold and rainy! I could so easily hibernate in my tracksuit and sink into a slump… but I know that’s NOT how I want to feel – for myself, my family and my clients! So I really make a conscious effort to implement a few non-negotiable, feel-good habits to keep my mind and body energised and upbeat!

Many of you asked me to share them, so here they are….

1) Fuelling my body with wholesome food and prioritising my nutrition! No matter how busy my days are – juggling Mom life, between running my own business and thankfully a busy nutrition practice, I schedule a proper lunch break and I will NEVER skip meals! Feeling cold and gloomy is one thing, add in HUNGRY (aka “HANGRY”) and you have a setup for disaster – both for mood and making poor food choices later in the day!

2) Eating the right nutrients and embracing all food groups – protein is key for satiety (and maintaining muscle mass as we get older!), healthy carbs are essential for energy, digestion and that all important mood-boosting serotonin (which is why many people on extremely low carb diets often get moody and cranky!), and healthy fats are key to feeling satiated and keeping sugar cravings at bay. I especially make sure to include a generous amount of healthy fats with every meal I have. This really keeps me happy and satisfied!

3) I eat the things I love – healthy eating shouldn’t mean sacrificing enjoyment! I do make my food choices based on health in a very balanced way, but also take into account just as much on what I feel like eating. This is also something I guide my clients on and help them figure out.

4) Take Vitamin D OR (ideally!) a good Multivitamin. I’m all for getting the nutrients we need from a healthy balanced diet – but there are some things that are difficult to consume enough of even if you eat healthily, and Vitamin D is one of them! I take a Multivitamin for Women, which includes Vitamin D as well as a powerhouse of nutrients to support women’s health (this is not sponsored, it’s just the best I’ve found that ticks all boxes!)  I’ve also recently added in an extra Magnesium Supplement, as I struggle with sleep – and I do notice a positive difference to my mood and energy levels from this too! 

5) I look after my GUT HEALTH. There is overwhelming research showing that gut health affects everything from our digestion, to our weight, immunity, skin, and MOOD!! I eat plenty of fibre, take a prebiotic (inulin) and my multivitamin mentioned above contains gut-loving probiotics too!

6) My morning coffee!! This is my daily joy and plenty of scientific studies show the health benefits of coffee in moderation.

7) Staying well hydrated – drinking plenty of water from the moment I wake up and throughout the day, keeps everything refreshed and revitalised!

8) Morning prayers, gratitude and meditation – I start every day with morning prayers, consciously thinking of all the things I have to be thankful for (studies show this actually boosts mood!) and a short meditation (Melissa Wood Health or Molly Evie on Insight Timer App. are my go-to!) 

9) Morning grounding – I step outside with my bare feet (ideally on grass if you can find a patch!) for one minute every morning to get some day light and connect with nature. This is something I learnt from Molly Evie and it’s life changing!

10) Trying not to look at my phone or scroll on social media during meals – this one is a work in progress for me! It’s a habit I’m working on daily and encourage my clients to as well. It definitely allows you to properly enjoy and savour your food – finishing happy and satisfied, rather than thinking “did I even eat lunch?!”

11) Daily movement – I’m no gym-goer and have never exercised for weight loss (side note: you don’t need to either!) but I do a Melissa Wood Health workout every day because it’s the most energising, uplifting, mood-boosting thing for me!

12) Connect with family and friends (be it on phone, WhatsApp message or voice note) – however crazy and work-filled my days are, I’m a big chatterbox with my family and friends – maintaining close relationships is essential to health and happiness, and something I value more than anything!

Whilst it might seem like a long list of things, most of them take hardly any extra time and can be smoothly integrated into a busy day – all SMALL things that pay BIG rewards! 

Creating healthy habits is really key to achieving an overall healthy lifestyle, looking and most importantly, feeling your best self!

Here’s to a wonderful summer!! Whether the sun is shining or not, we can be our own sunshine!

If you want guidance on creating simple sustainable changes that fit in with your lifestyle, alongside the ideal nutrition for you, feel free to get in touch to find out more about my 1:1 work with clients.


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